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リスク工学専攻 2020年度(令和2年度)博士学位論文

氏名 題目 指導教員
李 智恩 A Study on Human Trust in Machine under Supervisory Control
伊藤 誠
小倉 達哉 Research on the price fluctuation mechanism of home appliances in the EC market
津田 和彦
尾羽 秀晃 A study of integrated assessment model toward the massive installation of solar and wind energy systems
岡島 敬一
片山 大輔 A Study on the Effects of Corporate Information Sentiment on Stock Prices
津田 和彦
鈴木 雄太 A fundamental study on real-time evacuation guidance during earthquake fires considering incomplete information of them
糸井川 栄一
谷口 佑子 Research on Strategic Product Planning Based on Word-of-mouth Data Analysis
津田 和彦
古宮 望美 A Study on Japanese Cognitive Model Search for Casino Introduction
岡島 敬一